You might be wondering why you haven’t been contacted for a job interview. Are you waiting for an email or call from a recruiter to schedule a job interview and wondering why you haven’t been selected for the job interview can be the most vexing part of the job search process during job interview? It’s especially tough when you have applied for a job where it appears that you’re a perfect match for the position. Why weren’t you picked for the job interview? There can be a myriad of reasons why you haven’t been called for a job interview. There may be limitations in your qualification or flaws that you have presented. Secondly, competitiveness matters a lot.

Let’s consider your resume and cover letter first. Is your cover letter generic? Following the standard template of a cover letter is, well, pretty standard and boring. The point of a cover letter is to introduce yourself and explain what makes you qualified for the position. In introducing yourself you should give them a sense of who you are in the letter. Next, consider your resume. Look it over, and make sure you included all the accomplishments that make you a viable candidate for the job. Did you pick good references? If you left your old job on a bad note, then don’t list them as a reference because they won’t give you the best recommendation. Make sure your cover letter and resume are free of typos or else you’ll come off as unprofessional or lazy.

Think about the positions you have applied for. It’s OK to aim high, but if you’re applying to a lot of positions that you know you may not be qualified for then you need to broaden your search. We’d all love to get that dream job and have that big paycheck, but in this current market it’s just not possible for everyone. A lot of positions are highly competitive, so if you don’t get a call for interviews don’t blame yourself completely. Broaden your search to jobs you know you have the right qualifications for and jobs that may be a bit further to commute to. Make sure it’s a doable commute though! If you’re only looking for a job that’s easy and convenient to commute to though you’re really limiting yourself. Sometimes you need to make sacrifices to land a good job and having a long commute may be one of them.

Everything is done online these days, such as job applications. Employers are flooded with emails and yours may have gotten lost in all the hundreds they received. Make yourself stand out and take the initiative by calling them for a follow-up on your resume. Make sure you read the job description though. If it says NO phone calls about the position, then don’t call. This is in direct opposition to what they told you to do (or not to do in this case) and you may be disturbing them. They are likely very busy and a random phone call from a job applicant may be annoying. If you get a hold of their address, send them your paper resume and cover letter. In the cover letter, mention how you’re open to speaking to them on the phone if they have the time. Don’t be too pushy and don’t insist they call you. Lastly employers are checking you out on the internet. Clear your trail of anything that can make you look bad. Correct these mistakes and you’ll be on the fast track to a new job in no time.